Increasing the throughput and carrying capacity of the Eastern Poligon infrastructure by using innovative rolling stock in the transportation of coal cargo by routes


  • Victoriya A. Olentsevich Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Natal'ya V. Vlasova Irkutsk State Transport University


The Eastern polygon of railways, throughput and carrying capacity, infrastructure complex, organization of train traffic, methods of system analysis, load capacity, innovative rolling stock, coal route


In the presented scientific study, the authors tried to reflect the prospects and problems of the functioning of the Eastern Polygon of Railways infrastructure complex under the modern economic and political conditions of Russia’s transport sector development: taking into account the complete reversal of traffic flows to the eastern direction, the constant impact of sanctions policy, regular foreign trade restrictions, etc. The transport enterprises of the Eastern Polygon are forced to develop innovative approaches in order to increase the capacity of sections and railway stations, change transport logistics, expand the range of service provided for customers. An analysis of the volume indicators of work over the past year showed that in the direction of the Far East, the parameters of transportation of export goods exceeded 120 million tons per year with a critical load of the infrastructure complex of the Eastern Poligon. By 2030, the projected export values of coal products alone will amount to more than 250 million tons, mainly to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Taking into account the limited capacity resource of the Eastern Polygon of Railways, such a redistribution of cargo flows will create a difficult train situation and will require a speedy resolution of this issue. The conducted research allowed to highlight the possible methods of improving the efficiency of passing trains in the busiest directions such as: the use of an innovative wagon park with increased load capacity, increasing the length of the train, optimizing the movement of empty wagon traffic. In order to increase the carrying and throughput capacity of the infrastructure of the Eastern Railway Poligon, a proposal was considered for the use of innovative gondola wagons for the transportation of coal cargo by routes. The objective criterion for the use of innovative rolling stock to transport coal cargoes in the eastern direction is its economic efficiency for all participants in the transportation process.

Author Biographies

Victoriya A. Olentsevich, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operational work management

Natal'ya V. Vlasova, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operational work management


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How to Cite

Оленцевич, В. А., & Власова, Н. В. (2022). Increasing the throughput and carrying capacity of the Eastern Poligon infrastructure by using innovative rolling stock in the transportation of coal cargo by routes. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(76), 173-182. Retrieved from

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