Factors of increasing the current level of technical condition of the railway infrastructure


  • Nikolai Ivanovich Kovalenko Russian University of Transport
  • Nina Alexandrovna Kovalenko Russian University of Transport


tequivalence of track elements, rail breakage, receiving sleeper, insulating joint, sub-rail base; stress safety margin, throughput tonnage, especially load-stressed sections, ballast layer, planned and preventive straightening


The article notes that, despite the measures taken to reduce rail fractures in certain Directorates of the infrastructure of JSC "Russian Railways", intensive work on the prevention of violations is not carried out, proper conclusions are not made. For an example of assessing the current state of the track economy, an incident in the form of a train derailment that occurred on March 16, 2021 on the stretch of the South Ural Railway - a branch of JSC "Russian Railways" is considered. This event is attributed to the materials on the unsatisfactory condition of rails, insulating joints, including ApATeK and track facilities of the infrastructure complex as a whole. By the performed modeling and calculations, it was found that the stress safety factor in the most loaded section of the rail was 1.7 with a rigid (stabilized) sub-rail base, with a weak (soft, immediately after repair) sub-rail base, its value was 1.3. In case of destruction of the receiving sleeper or its absence, the stress safety factor in the most loaded section was 0.82 for both weak and rigid sub-rail base. Based on the conducted research, it has been established that the strategic objective of improving the operational reliability of the track is to achieve equal resource in the operation of its elements. It is necessary to abandon the strategy of planning intermediate repairs "according to the actual condition", first of all, on sections of the first and second classes, with the development for them of the frequency of repairs according to the operating time of tonnage or operating time.

Author Biographies

Nikolai Ivanovich Kovalenko, Russian University of Transport

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Track and track facilities

Nina Alexandrovna Kovalenko, Russian University of Transport

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of operating and safety on transport


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How to Cite

Коваленко, Н. И., & Коваленко, Н. А. (2022). Factors of increasing the current level of technical condition of the railway infrastructure. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(74), 112-120. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/555