Logical control of the catenary maintenance in the current collection system at intensive train traffic


  • Anatolii T. Burkov Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
  • Mokhirbek F. Mukhamedzhanov Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


logical control, current collection system, sliding contact, catenary, current collector strip


The development and implementation of requirements for determining and confirming reliability, operational readiness, maintainability, and safety at intensive train traffic, taking into account the quality indicators of current collection, is based on solving the problem of logical control of the current maintenance of the catenary. The analysis of faults and failures of the electric traction system is carried out by the decomposition method by means of dividing the power transmission system into subsystems, including the current collection subsystem. Physical processes accompanied by complex mechanical, electrical and thermal phenomena in the sliding contact are used in the development of an algorithm of predicting the technical condition of the contact catenary and the current collector by the method of logical control. When increasing the speed of movement, the ability of the system to be in a state of stable current collection in the sliding and electric arc contact modes is taken into account. The factors influencing the violation of the stability of the current collector are studied. A method of logical control of the elements of the current collection system by deviations of their characteristics in static and dynamic modes of operation of the catenary is proposed. Based on the results of the research, the structure of an integrated intelligent control and logic control system with the use of continuous complex diagnostics and monitoring tools to assess the current state of the catenary and current collector is justified. The developed system is used to maintain the overhead system according to the actual condition in the context of increasing the technical and local speed, the average daily mileage and the average daily productivity of the locomotive while reducing the power consumption for train traction.


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How to Cite

Бурков, А. Т., & Мухамеджанов, М. Ф. (2021). Logical control of the catenary maintenance in the current collection system at intensive train traffic. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 78-88. Retrieved from https://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/108