Analysis of the defect formation on the rolling surface of freight cars en route from loading to unloading site


  • Denis O. Emelyanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Lyubov V. Martynenko Irkutsk State Transport University


innovation car, intense wearing, defect, motion safety, rolling stock, railroad infrastructure, , operation, statistics


Currently, the issue of the operated rolling stock quality is urgent in the Russian railway network and the VSZHD, in particular. The number of uncoupling cars has increased, due to the unsatisfactory condition of the track and car in general, requiring the search for optimal solutions to these problems. Discussing the current topic, it is undoubtedly necessary to touch upon the issues of modern strategies and trends in the development of railway transport and the carriage fleet, the introduction of modern technologies and technological equipment. As a result of a detailed consideration of these issues, the causes and consequences of the occurrence of certain factors, the starting point will be an in-depth analysis of the wheel-rail interaction system. This analysis will allow to objectively indicate the specific causes of existing problems in the field of operation, describe emerging phenomena sufficiently substanciated, offer progressive topical solutions and dicuss possible prospects for the development of the industry. Referring to the statistics on failures over the past 3 years, it is possible to trace the growth of malfunctions associated with defects in the rolling surface of the wheels. And indeed, the speed increase of the rolling stock, the increase in the volume and quantity of transported goods led to an increase in the intensity of the rolling stock operation. As a result, there was an increase in loads upon the main components of the rolling stock, an increase in the parts wearing intensity.


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How to Cite

Емельянов, Д. О., & Мартыненко, Л. В. (2021). Analysis of the defect formation on the rolling surface of freight cars en route from loading to unloading site. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 67-75. Retrieved from

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