
  • Ksenia Yurievna Lukke Irkutsk State Transport University


magnetic flaw detection, defect, detectability, wheelset axles, freight cars, control sensitivity, methods of magnetic particle inspection, technological instruction, guiding document


The demand and prevalence of magnetic powder control is due to several factors, including: the simplicity of control measures, sufficiently high accuracy of results, the ability to identify microscopic cracks, fatigue of steels, and other defects that are not al-ways amenable to visual diagnosis. In this article, the magnetic powder method of non-destructive testing is considered. The ad-vantages and disadvantages of the method when applied in the field of railway transport, and the ways of its implementation within the technological processes of railway transport enterprises are considered. Examples of identified irregularities with the help of magnetic indicators in the details of wagons and locomotives are given. There are photo-defectograms for the fixed defects. The most practical and effective means of magnetizing products before conducting magnetic control are considered. The types of magnetic indicators, their features and differences during monitoring in various modes of magnetization are listed. The features of magnetic powder control in the diagnosis of railway transport parts are considered. Types of sensitivity of magnetic control, dependence of detection of defects with different sensitivity of the method. The stages of magnetic powder control are considered. The high sensitivity of the magnetic powder method, the versatility and simplicity of the technology, the relative simplicity of the equipment, the visibility of the results and the relatively low labor intensity of the control provided the magnetic powder control with wide distribution in many industries. The main technological operations are considered: preparation for control, magnetization of the object of control, application of flaw detection material to the object of control, inspection of the controlled surface and registration of indicator drawings of defects, evaluation of control results, demagnetization.


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How to Cite

Лукке, К. Ю. (2022). MAGNETIC POWDER CONTROL IS A RELIABLE METHOD OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(18). Retrieved from



Wagons, wagon economy