
  • Irada Agilevna Umudova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Alisa Shaigovna Muradova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Вера Сергеевна Асламова Irkutsk State Transport University


organizational culture, industrial safety culture, model, Cronbach's alpha coefficient


The article provides definitions of the concept of "industrial safety culture", which is a part of the general organizational culture. The models of organizational culture of Edgar Shane, Ron Westrum, J. Rison, Patrick Hudson, the so-called ladder of industrial safety culture, and its characteristics of different typologies are considered. If there is no minimum level of organizational culture, then we can only talk about the aggregation of people, and not about the company, Edgar Shane emphasized in his research, and the formation of the culture of the organization and its formation is the result of the activity of the leader and the joint experience of managers. The Swiss Cheese model by J. Rison has been modified to the processes of ensuring the PBC. It describes a sequence of errors that lead to a disaster. Every hole in a slice of cheese is a mistake in the formation of a security system. If the hole goes deep through all the slices, then this is according to J. The trajectory of a probable accident in which the elements of the industrial safety system did not work with protective barriers, therefore an accident is possible. The core of the concept of J. The reason is the identification of typical errors in management decisions, insufficient systematic control or its absence, unsafe actions of personnel, indicating their low safety culture. Model J. Arizona allows you to set barriers to ensure the regulatory level of industrial safety.

In Belgium, it was revealed that there is no scientific evidence for all tools suitable for the study of industrial safety culture. The final price for many tools cannot be named, since the format and duration of their use depends on the size of the company.

To diagnose the culture of industrial safety, questionnaires are often used. At the same time, the Kronbach alpha coefficient is used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire, characterized by the reproducibility of its results. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, characterized by the suitability of the questionnaire for measuring factors, the validity index of its content and the content validity coefficient (the average coefficient of the content validity of all questions) are used.

Based on the Bradley model in Poland, a new, semi-quantitative methodology was proposed and tested to find the general index of the culture of industrial safety of processes and its parametric model of maturity. The general index makes it possible to identify and arrange various factors of industrial safety culture in the order of hierarchy for comparison between companies and sectors.


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How to Cite

Умудова, И. А., Мурадова, А. Ш., & Асламова, В. С. (2023). INTERPRETATION OF THE CULTURE OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY ABROAD. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(19). Retrieved from



Life safety and ecology