
  • Elena Vladimirovna Figura Baikal State University


interlingual interference, constructive interference, destructive interference, transfer, levels of interlingual interference.


The process of learning a second foreign language is different from learning a first foreign language because the student already has certain skills acquired in learning the first foreign language. When learning a second foreign language, students often encounter the phenomenon of interlingual interference, which results in a violation of the norm in the second foreign language due to the transfer of these skills. However, over the past decades, interference has begun to be considered not only as a negative phenomenon, but also as a positive one, and therefore there is a need to consider its features in a certain pair of languages in order to substantiate how interference contributes to the study of a foreign language.

The article considers approaches to understanding interlingual interference. It is concluded that there is no single approach to understanding this term in modern linguistics. Interference is interpreted as a negative, positive or neutral phenomenon, which can be both destructive and constructive depending on the situation.

Examples of constructive interference that occur at the phonetic, grammatical and lexical levels in a pair of German and French are given. Constructive interference is observed in the comparative analysis of phonetic features, grammatical structures and vocabulary of two languages. Having identified common features at these levels, it was concluded that the manifestation of constructive interference is a factor that helps to more effectively learn a second foreign language and successfully apply the learned skills in the communication process.

The results of the study in the future will make it possible to develop recommendations for teaching a second foreign language at school or a higher educational institution.


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How to Cite

Фигура, Е. В. (2023). CONSTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE IN LEARNING A SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE (BASED ON FRENCH AND GERMAN). The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(19). Retrieved from



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