
  • Xiao Han Kazan Federal University


appellativeness, poem titles, V, V. Mayakovsky, imperative inclination, imperative interjection, joint action


The semantic function of appellativeness, i.e. the function of inducing the addressee to make a communicative impact, is realised by various level language units - grammatical (the imperative declension form, imperative interjection, joint action form, infinitive form and elliptical sentence) and lexical ones. The functional-semantic field of appellativeness is a three-member macro-field structure consisting of the vocative micro-field, the prompting micro-field and the interrogative micro-field. The article deals mainly with the micro-fields of vocativity (the core of appellativity) and incitement, the purpose of which is to direct the addressee to perform a speech or post-communicative action. Our article pays special attention to the analysis of the specificity of appellative titles of V. Mayakovsky's poems mainly characterized by direct appeal. At the same time, the author analyses the functional and pragmatic features of the linguistic means for conveying appellativeness and their frequency of occurrence in V. Mayakovsky's poems.


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How to Cite

Хань, С. (2023). APPELLATIVE TITLES IN V. MAYAKOVSKY’S POEMS. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(19). Retrieved from



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