
  • Artur Sergeevich Kashkarev Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Polina Vladimirovna Perfileva Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Viktoriya Aleksandrovna Olencevich Irkutsk State Transport University


The Eastern polygon of railways, transport infrastructure, capacity, blems of modernization of facilities, energy complex, traction calculations, energy supply facilities


In this paper, the authors consider the importance of the development of the Eastern polygon, as well as the problems that have arisen as a result of modernization. A modern, promising project for the development of the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian Railways is today one of the main topics discussed at all levels of government and the transport industry as a whole, since it is of high strategic importance for Russia. The development of the Eastern range in accordance with the modernization plans will ensure an increase in the carrying capacity of up to 210 million tons of carrying capacity of units on the eastern range.
According to the initial terms of JSC "Russian Railways" for the modernization of the Eastern landfill, the first stage of reconstruction was supposed to end in 2017, but according to the results of the check, the completion date was shifted to 2019, and the date of the start of operation for 2020.
However, in the second quarter of 2019, doubts arose about the completion of the first stage in 2020, and a new plan was developed in order to accelerate the renewal of the industry facilities, which will reduce the time frame for the modernization of individual facilities by 1-2 years. As a result, in May 2020, by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the terms of modernization of the Eastern polygon are extended until 2021.
Experts say that one of the reasons for this situation is that the project management scheme has been weighted down, since the responsibility for its implementation is borne by structures that do not have the necessary level of coordination.


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How to Cite

Кашкарев, А. С., Перфильева, П. В., & Оленцевич, В. А. (2022). PROBLEMS OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE WORK OF THE EASTERN POLYGON. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(13). Retrieved from



Management of railway transport