Application of the Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for the Selection of Players for a Football Club at the Preseason Training Camp


  • Slushash T. Dusakaeva Orenburg State University
  • Ivan A. Khokhlov Orenburg State University
  • Pavel L. Niryan Orenburg State University
  • Maxim P. Nosarev Orenburg State University


fuzzy logic methods, Mamdani’s algorithm, football team, Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, term sets, fuzzy system operation rules


The article deals with the selection of players for a football team in the context of solving the actual problem of selecting professional personnel in organizations and enterprises. The relevance of the mentioned problem is due to the unstable political situation in the world, economic reforms and social adaptation of graduates. The currently used well-known methods for improving the quality of selection, using, for example, an assessment of an employee's portfolio, do not fully solve the problem under consideration. In the digital age, this problem can be solved by various methods, thanks to which models are built that can give more accurate results. It is substantiated that as a possible tool for solving the actual problem of selecting players for a football team based on their characteristics, methods and algorithms of the fuzzy logic apparatus can be used in view of the high degree of fuzziness of the characteristics under consideration. Mamdani's fuzzy logic algorithm was chosen as the main research method, the constructed fuzzy model was tested and the results obtained were interpreted. The approach used in the study to the process of selecting players for a football team, based on the Mamdani fuzzy algorithm, will significantly increase the percentage of players most suitable for the club, giving a quick optimal answer. This circumstance will reduce the load on the head coach, freeing up additional time to develop a game strategy and organize the training process.

Author Biographies

Slushash T. Dusakaeva, Orenburg State University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics

Ivan A. Khokhlov, Orenburg State University

Department of Applied Mathematics

Pavel L. Niryan, Orenburg State University

Department of Applied Mathematics

Maxim P. Nosarev, Orenburg State University

Department of Applied Mathematics


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How to Cite

Дусакаева, С. Т., Хохлов, И. А., Нирян, П. Л., & Носарев, М. П. (2022). Application of the Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for the Selection of Players for a Football Club at the Preseason Training Camp. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(76), 228-237. Retrieved from



Information technology, management and processing