Forecast model for evaluating the resource of the diagnosed object taking into account changes in the cost of missing a defect


  • Sergei V. Barsukov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Sergei V. Pakhomov Irkutsk State Transport University


forecast-model, diagnostic parameter, technical condition of the object, diagnostics of the object, the cost of missing the defect, the Neumann –Pearson’s method


The most important component of the technical operation of the equipment is the diagnosis of its technical condition. High-quality and timely technical diagnostics of an object is an important means of increasing the efficiency of its operation. The essence of the assessment of the technical condition of the diagnosed object is to collect and analyze the operational parameters of the object in question, as well as periodic analysis of the trend and rate of change of parameters with operating time due to the deterioration of the product’s technical condition. A change in the technical condition of an object is judged by the values of diagnostic (controlled) parameters allowing to determine the technical condition of the object without disassembling it, in the process of their control.The more diagnostic parameters are used in the diagnosis of the object and the more often the diagnosis is made, the more accurate and reliable the diagnosis is. But the fewer diagnostic parameters are used, the less measurements are taken during diagnostics, the cheaper and more efficient the operation of the equipment is. This makes it necessary to choose the optimal number of diagnostic parameters and the frequency of their measurement. When assessing the technical condition of the object of diagnosis, there is uncertainty of decision-making in the diagnosis. Statistical methods, the so-called methods of statistical solutions, are widely used in the diagnosis of technical objects. In this case, the decisive rule is chosen based on certain optimality conditions, for example, from the condition of minimal risk of making an erroneous decision during diagnosis. In this paper, the Neumann–Pearson method was chosen as a research tool. The technology of identifying the state of the object of diagnosis in the presence of one diagnostic parameter is considered. The role of estimating the cost of diagnostic errors in the development of the frequency of control checks of equipment and in the number of measured diagnostic signs is shown. Thus, the proposed work shows the development of a methodology for selecting necessary and sufficient diagnostic features based on the Neumann-Pearson method for reliable diagnosis of the technical condition of a power transformer, taking into account changes in the cost of passing a defect.

Author Biographies

Sergei V. Barsukov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, Mechanics and Instrumentation

Sergei V. Pakhomov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physics, Mechanics and Instrumentation


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How to Cite

Барсуков, С. В., & Пахомов, С. В. (2022). Forecast model for evaluating the resource of the diagnosed object taking into account changes in the cost of missing a defect. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(76), 144-152. Retrieved from