Development and research of a mathematical model of a waterjet cutting plant


  • Shodmon S. Nozirzoda Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University


waterjet processing, product quality, cutting mode, mathematical model of the waterjet cutting plant, dynamic processes


Currently, there are various methods of cutting materials in the industry. These methods are mainly used in blank production. But recently there appear progressive technologies that are used in almost all industries. One of these methods is the technology of waterjet cutting. With waterjet processing, it is not always possible to obtain the desired accuracy and quality of a product processed. Improving the accuracy and quality of the parts obtained by waterjet cutting, significantly reduce the cost of the manufactured part. In this regard, optimizing the parameters that affect the processing workflow in waterjet cutting in order to improve quality and accuracy is currently an urgent task. The purpose of this work is a theoretical study, modeling of the plant and dynamic processes of waterjet cutting. The method of comparative analysis is applied in this paper – the method of comparing two or more objects of research (phenomena, objects, ideas, results, etc.). According to the tasks set, a mathematical model of a waterjet cutter plant has been developed, which is implemented in the MatLAB software product. For the compiled mathematical model, the range of values of the system parameters was calculated. As a result of theoretical studies of the influence of the system parameters on the vibration characteristics, a variant of setting the parameters was identified, in which minimal vibrations of the workpiece and the cutting head were observed. In the future, it is planned to modernize the waterjet cutting unit, both in the mechanical part and in the control part. In the mechanical part of the plant, the displacement system rigidity is provided. In the control system of the plant, the guides’ deformation control will be introduced depending on the processing zone.


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How to Cite

Нозирзода, Ш. С. (2021). Development and research of a mathematical model of a waterjet cutting plant. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 32-43. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering