Ranking of container terminal customers in order to increase the share of container processing by the «direct» version


  • Diana Yur'evna Grishkova Siberian Transport University


container terminal, processing capacity, ABC- and XYZ-analyses, Pareto rule, key customers, the «direct» version of the work


The article considers container terminal N, which includes four container platforms. The total actual processing capacity of container sites is compared with the required one according to the forecast values. It is established that by 2023 the actual processing capacity will not be able to ensure stable and uninterrupted operation of the container terminal. Due to the geographical features of the terminal location, (strong winds prevail at the location), the number of tiers of container storage in the stack has limitations. In order to increase the processing capacity of the terminal, the following proposals were made: increasing the share of local containers processed by the "direct" option, introducing a video recognition system for wagons and containers on access roads, using a system of rational placement of arriving containers. In order to develop a strategy for working on the «direct» option, key clients were identified through ABC- and XYZ-analyses. ABC analysis takes into account the volume of work performed with containers. ABC analysis involves the use of the Pareto rule. Group A includes 20 % of the total number of clients with the largest volumes of work. In the considered situation, these are the first 18 clients. Group B has average values of processing volumes. Group C includes customers with the least amount of container traffic processing. The XYZ method allows to classify customers depending on the variability of the values of their processing volumes. The most significant clients are Group X clients with stable volumes of container traffic. Based on the calculations performed, the percentage of clients belonging to the «AX» and «AY» groups with whom it is necessary to work by the "direct" option is determined. In order to increase the percentage of containers processed by the direct option, the article provides recommendations for the development of a contact schedule for the simultaneous supply of motor vehicles and railway wagons, as well as the full use of software products and digital technologies.

Author Biography

Diana Yur'evna Grishkova, Siberian Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics, Commercial Work and Rolling Stock


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How to Cite

Гришкова, Д. Ю. (2023). Ranking of container terminal customers in order to increase the share of container processing by the «direct» version. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(77), 106-115. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/1056