Simulation of optimum control of asynchronous drive


  • Yurii Mikhailovich Kulinich Far Eastern State Transport University
  • Sergei Anatol'evich Shukharev Far Eastern State Transport University
  • Dmitrii Alexeevich Starodubtsev Far Eastern State Transport University


asynchronous motor, SimInTech, simulation modeling, vector control, optimal control


Currently, asynchronous motors form the basis of an automated electric drive, which accounts for the bulk of the electricity consumed. In this regard, the issues of rational consumption of energy resources are of paramount importance. In the paper under consideration, a method for optimal control of an asynchronous motor according to the criterion of minimizing the consumed current is proposed. The mathematical model of the engine and its control systems are made by the method of vector control in a rotating coordinate system dq. The study of the proposed control method was carried out on the basis of the domestic software product SimInTech of the «3V Service» LLC company. As a result of the simulation modeling, the dependence of the motor stator current on the rotor flux linkage has been established, which has a parabolic shape at fixed values of the electromagnetic torque. The minimum value of the current corresponds to the optimal values of the flux linkage. This nature of the dependences served as the basis for using the step search system algorithm in the developed optimal motor control system with a minimum value of current consumption. The developed mathematical model of an asynchronous motor is controlled by an optimal controller, which makes it possible to reduce the consumed current to optimally low values at different values of the electromagnetic torque. The research results presented in the paper indicate an increase in the energy efficiency of an asynchronous drive due to the optimally low consumption of the stator current by the motor, therefore, the materials of the article can serve as a theoretical basis for the development and implementation of energy-saving control systems for an asynchronous motor.

Author Biographies

Yurii Mikhailovich Kulinich, Far Eastern State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Railway Transport

Sergei Anatol'evich Shukharev, Far Eastern State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Transport

Dmitrii Alexeevich Starodubtsev, Far Eastern State Transport University

Ph.D. student of the Department of Railway Transport


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How to Cite

Кулинич, Ю. М., Шухарев, С. А., & Стародубцев, Д. А. (2023). Simulation of optimum control of asynchronous drive. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(77), 83-93. Retrieved from