Assessment of the condition of axle box units of wheelsets of freight railcars using the vibration diagnostic stand OMSD-03


  • Lyubov’ V. Martynenko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Mikhail G. Kushkov Irkutsk State Transport University


vibration diagnostic stand OMSD-03, bearing unit, rolling stock, wheelset, watering of lubricant, change in the friction coefficient, destruction of separators, seizure of a bearing, multifunctional complex of technical means, automatic control of a technical condition of the railway rolling stock


Тhe article describes the complex of vibration diagnostics OMSD-03 designed to detect possible defects and malfunctions of bearing units. It proposes recommendations and measures aimed at improving the safety of rolling stock that is also operated on the mountain–pass sections of the Eastern polygon. The presence of failures and malfunctions is directly related to operating conditions, especially in the autumn and winter period. The most frequent malfunctions in the operation of bearing units are the lubricant watering, which leads to the loss of its properties. For example, in conditions of sharp temperature changes (in the autumn and winter period), the plastic lubricant in the box of the LZ–TsNII type changes its properties due to watering and the formation of ice crystals. These crystals induce a change in the friction coefficient, the possibility of destruction of separators and the seizure of bearings. Any malfunction of the bearing unit leads to partial or complete failure. The activation of the KTSM systems and safety posts often forces the wheelset to be rolled out and examined on the vibration diagnostic stand OMSD-03. The results of test studies of the wheelset on the stand OMSD-03 allows you to determine the reasons for the failure of the axle box units and take measures to restore it, while ensuring the safety of the movement of the train as a whole. After each railcar derailment, the wheel pairs undergo a full audit and examination on the OMSD-03 according to the act of investigation.


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How to Cite

Мартыненко, Л. В., & Кушков, М. Г. (2021). Assessment of the condition of axle box units of wheelsets of freight railcars using the vibration diagnostic stand OMSD-03. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 97-103. Retrieved from

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