The effectiveness of the high-voltage direct current system of electric traction of trains


  • Natalya L. Ryabchyonok Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Tatyana L. Alekseeva Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Leonid A. Astrakhantsev Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Aleksei L. Martusov Irkutsk State Transport University


energy supply efficiency, active power, resistance, spectral analysis, harmonic components, effective voltage, electric traction


Improving the efficiency of energy supply of electric traction trains allows us to implement promising priority areas of development of the holding company “Russian Railways” OAO. The article uses the new energy characteristics of the elements of the electric power system to identify the reasons that hinder the increase in the carrying capacity and throughput capacity of the railway. These characteristics are based on the refined law of conservation of energy in the electromagnetic field using mathematical modeling and FFT spectral analysis. Calculations have proved that the effective voltage in the AC network of non-sinusoidal current decreases due to a drop in the voltage at the reactances in the power electric circuit. This is the main reason that reduces the energy efficiency of electric traction, limits the mass of trains and the speed of driving trains. The use of high-voltage DC electric traction ensures a symmetrical load of the three-phase traction power supply system, eliminates reactive resistances in the traction power electric circuit and increases the dynamic, energy performance of the system. The proposed technical solutions and mathematical modeling in the Simulink environment of “Matlab” showed the possibility of increasing the efficiency of electric traction DC voltage of 37,1 kV three-phase asynchronous traction motors by 15,6 % compared to electric traction AC voltage of 27,5 kV, the speed of trains – by 31,5 %. The voltage level in the middle of the inter-substation zone allows freight three-section electric locomotives to operate in the nominal mode for traction of three connected trains. In this case, the speed of trains can be limited only by the permissible current in the wires of the contact suspension. Studies were conducted on the frequency control of the start-up mode and speed control of asynchronous three-phase traction motors. In the course of research performed, methods of controlling the input electrical resistance of the electric drive, the modulation coefficient and the modulation depth of the three-phase voltage were developed. The developed methods ensure the limitation of acceleration, reliable coupling of the wheels with the rails and the exclusion of self-oscillations in the electromechanical traction system of the train.


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How to Cite

Рябченок, Н. Л., Алексеева, Т. Л., Астраханцев, Л. А., & Мартусов, А. Л. (2021). The effectiveness of the high-voltage direct current system of electric traction of trains. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 111-121. Retrieved from

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