Optimization of the operation of freight rail transport using a mixed-integer nonlinear model


  • Ol'ga A. Lebedeva Angarsk State Technical University


transport, rail transportation, throughput capacity, multi-commodity flows, programming


The article discusses a mixed-integer model that allows solving routing problems relative to the railway network. As the initial data, a transport railway network with permanent routes of passenger and freight trains is used, each of which contains a pair of stations: those of departure and destination. The purpose of the study is to search for all possible options for drawing up bypass routes, while minimizing travel time and optimizing the entire transport cycle. Previously, research in this area was carried out with reference to microscopic rail routes at large stations. Recent developments are aimed at experimenting with larger transport corridors. In our study, we will consider the problem of routing a railroad network in a macroscopic transport network. Such a network is understood as the integration of complex transport structures into simpler networks. Departure and arrival times are assumed to be equal to the specified interval. It is possible to classify problems of this kind as strategic, since their solution requires rough routing when using mixed-integer nonlinear programming. The product flow model is presented as a graph with additional restrictions. The nonlinearity of the model is conditioned by the approximation of train delays on the arcs of the network and through capacity limiting functions. The solution to the problem is reduced to a mixed integer linear time minimization model.


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How to Cite

Лебедева, О. А. (2021). Optimization of the operation of freight rail transport using a mixed-integer nonlinear model. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 135-141. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/116