The influence of parameters of the plan on the railways ballast section stability


  • Maksim M. Myl'nikov the Ural State University of Railway Transport, Ekaterinburg


railway track, the track stability, transverse forces, vertical loads, computer simulation, track plan


The stability of the railway track depends by the operating conditions. Often, when in practice, it is not possible to maintain the track to the conditions imposed by regulatory requirements. In this regard, the behavior of some railway elements under moving loads remains an unstudied question. The operable section of the railway line has been considered to study the mechanism of force formation in the elements of the track upper structure under moving train loads. The computer model of a railway haul of about 11 km long is built according to the available design documentation. This model reflects the main planned design solutions, considering modern railway construction requirements. The computer simulation of loads from a moving rolling stock, consisting of five loaded gondola cars is performed. The values of transverse forces are determined throughout the entire experimental section with a given pitch. The dependence of the resulting transverse force on the radius of the circular curve has been determined according to the simulation results. For the second series of experiments, the actual position of the rails in the plan is determined.

 High-definition aerial photographs are used to construct a digital model of the railway track for the experimental section under review. The position of the track axis is approximated. It means that the selected parameters of the track in the plan (radii of curves, lengths of straight inserts, circular and transition curves) are most close to the actual planimetric position of the track. The values of the points at which the track deviates from the track axis in the plan are determined. These straightening values are determined throughout the entire track and are entered into the computer model of the track. Computer simulation of rolling stock loads at a constant speed is performed. The values of the transverse forces at the “wheel – rail” contact were determined according to the results of the experiment. The dependences of the resulting transverse force on the radius of curved sections are revealed, considering the actual deviations in the plan.


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How to Cite

Мыльников, М. М. (2021). The influence of parameters of the plan on the railways ballast section stability. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 156-164. Retrieved from