The continuous grease level control system in the backup chamber of the motor-axle bearing box of electric locomotives


  • Dmitrii A. Yagovkin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Oleg V. Mel'nichenko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Aleksei O. Lin'kov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Sergei G. Shramko Irkutsk State Transport University


electric AC traction transformer, motor-axle bearing box, axial lubrication, operation algorithm, level sensor


The article describes the operation principle of the electric locomotive motor-axle bearing box, and the shortcomings of the current maintenance methods that affect its resource. Currently, when determining the grease level in the motor-axle bearing box, the grease level is taken into account only in the box working chamber, the volume of the remaining grease in the box backup chamber is not taken into account, which leads to inaccurate data on its amount, and does not allow predicting the residual life of the motor-axial bearing box. A system of continuous control of grease in the box backup chamber is proposed, implemented by installing a sensor in it, as well as a control unit in the driver's cab. Such a system makes it possible to constantly monitor the oil level in the backup chamber and timely informing the driver by means of light indication and specialists of the service locomotive depots by wireless transmission of data on the critical level of lubrication to the server. Thus, the maintenance personnel receive all the necessary information about the state of the motor-axle bearing box even before the electric locomotive enters the depot, which makes it possible to take appropriate measures, schedule the maintenance of the electric locomotive and prevent the risks associated with unplanned failures. This solution will allow one not only to reduce the number of failures in the operation of the motor-axial bearing, but also to track the grease consumption throughout the entire operation time of the electric locomotive.


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How to Cite

Яговкин, Д. А., Мельниченко, О. В., Линьков, А. О., & Шрамко, С. Г. (2021). The continuous grease level control system in the backup chamber of the motor-axle bearing box of electric locomotives. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 215-222. Retrieved from