Experimental studies of the magnetic field strength on electric rolling stock in problems of diagnostics and safety


  • Ivan Sergeevich Kupriyanov Irkutsk State Transport University


induction motor, induced magnetic field, external magnetic field, diagnosis, defect, technical condition


The article presents the results of a study of the magnetic field inside the locomotive EP1P-065. The frequency composition and distribution of the external magnetic field generated by various components and aggregates of rolling stock and, in particular, asynchronous electric motors, can serve as a diagnostic parameter. The external magnetic field analysis will allow diagnostics of auxiliary vehicles of rolling stock without decommissioning them. At the same time, the magnetic field induced by various aggregates inside the rolling stock requires study to determine the degree of its influence on the accuracy of diagnosis. Also we should not forget about the influence of magnetic fields on humans, since the ways to solve this problem described in the regulatory documentation can require changes in the design of rolling stock and thereby change the picture of the distribution of the magnetic field. A device has been developed to register the intensity and time strength signal or magnetic field induced by the internal equipment of the rolling stock. As a result of experimental studies, it was found that the level of magnetic field strength in the rolling stock, during its operation, significantly exceeds the permissible values both at peak and on average, which poses a threat to the health of personnel. For diagnostics of auxiliary machines, the level of the induced magnetic field strength is less than the field created by induction motors. However, it can affect the diagnostic result at the early stages of the development of defects, since it has harmonics of the main electromagnetic frequency in its composition.

Author Biography

Ivan Sergeevich Kupriyanov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Assistant Professor of the Department of Physics, Mechanics and Instrumentation


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How to Cite

Куприянов, И. С. (2023). Experimental studies of the magnetic field strength on electric rolling stock in problems of diagnostics and safety. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(78), 156-164. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/1299