The procedure of effective organization of the work of the automated warm-up system of the electric locomotive traction equipment


  • Nikolai P. Astashkov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Victoria A. Olentsevich Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Yuriy I. Belogolov Irkutsk State Transport University


automated warm-up system, traction rolling stock, work organization procedure, control algorithm, motor fans, upper layers of insulation, environmental parameters, increased operational reliability


During the development of the method of calculating the electric machine reliability, one of the main stages is the development of a mathematical model, in which it is possible to take into account factors whose impact directly affects the technical condition and operation safety level. At present, there is a fairly large number of methods of predicting reliability indicators in various fields of science and technology, which are distinguished by the totality of current problems and the specific aspects of the mathematical tools applied. It is possible to take consideration of the disturbing impacts during the implementation of the technological process if automation tools are used. The factor analysis of statistic data on the failure of traction electric motors made it possible to substantiate the feasibility of the warm-up procedure. The largest percentage of technical failures of the electric part corresponds to the autumn - winter - spring periods. The detected failure distribution dynamics results from the direct hydration of the insulation and the decrease in its dielectric strength, which is caused by a sharp change in the external and internal temperature regimes when the locomotive is put in the depot. It has been revealed that this factor contributes to the condensation that appears on the insulation and its further destruction. Environmental parameters are the main factor that influences the operational reliability of electrical machines, which emphasizes the relevance of the article presented for consideration. The article proposes a technical solution on the warm-up of traction electrical equipment that is focused on the integer reduction of technical failures of the electric part of the considered electric motors. In order to take into account the ambient air parameters in the presented mathematical model, a multipositional key MK2 is used, with the help of which it was possible to implement the switch of not only positive, but also negative temperature to different levels. This circuit is used to evaluate the adequacy of the presented model to real physical processes.


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How to Cite

Асташков, Н. П., Оленцевич, В. А., & Белоголов, Ю. И. (2021). The procedure of effective organization of the work of the automated warm-up system of the electric locomotive traction equipment. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 234-241. Retrieved from

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