Evaluation of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the “locomotive – railcar – track” system using a mathematical model to determine the derailment probability


  • Vasilii N. Zheleznyak Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Lyubov’ V. Martynenko Irkutsk State Transport University


“locomotive – railcar – track” system, derailment, traffic safety, transportation system parameters, quantitative and qualitative characteristics, mathematical model for determining the probability of railcar derailment


The article considers measures aimed at improving the safety of rolling stock movement through the rational use of information obtained from the complex of traveling (train) experimental laboratories of the East-Siberian railway: traction and power; track measuring; brake testing; "wheel set and axle box". Each of these laboratories allows you to get real and reliable, for the present, information about the state of rolling stock and track technical systems. In order to simplify the search for faults that may trigger a derailment, it is proposed to divide the system into three separate parts in the created logical relationship of the “locomotive–railcar–track” system in order to identify violations during operation that may be involved in the derailment. Detected deviations of the transport system parameters are analyzed, determining the involvement of a particular object in a particular derailment. In this analysis, one must have a list of possible defects (six faults are highlighted), which make it possible to assess their technical condition and the degree of involvement in the derailment. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the "locomotive–railcar–track" system were taken from each section of the derailment and added to in the table as separate parameters, according to which the relative measure of involvement in the derailment was calculated using a mathematical model. First of all, the identified significant defects were characterized by deviations from the standard ones, which could be relative or absolute deviations.

The obtained calculated parameters were graphically presented as the dependence of the relative measure of involvement in the derailment on the number of parameters (defects) under consideration.


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How to Cite

Железняк, В. Н., & Мартыненко, Л. В. (2021). Evaluation of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the “locomotive – railcar – track” system using a mathematical model to determine the derailment probability. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 241-247. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/131

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