Evaluating the efficiency of investment in a project for railway transport companies


  • Ol’ga Olegovna Grenkevich Siberian State Transport University
  • Alexandra Dmitrievna Kalidova Siberian State Transport University


exhibition track, technical inspection, expense rates, operating costs, reduction of downtime, acceleration of delivery


The article considers the method of choosing an appropriate location of railway tracks for performing technical inspection of empty wagons sent for loading. The use of the developed methodology will make it possible to choose the optimal place for the technical transfer of wagons for dual operations according to the criterion of the minimum total operating costs, as well as to justify the costs of maintaining the staff of wagon inspectors under the contract for the transport companies of JSC «Russian Railways». The object for research is the points of technical transfer of wagons for dual operations. The subject of the study is the criterion for choosing the optimal location of railway exhibition tracks thus minimizing the operating costs. The calculation of operating costs for half-journeys with different values of factors about the parameters of track development, the number and weight of local wagons was made on the basis of simulation modeling of shunting movements. Statistical research methods were used to identify mathematical dependencies and determine the influence of variable parameters on the studied values. As a result, the dependences were obtained of operating costs on the mass and number of wagons in the shunting train, on the length and longitudinal profile of the rails used in the rearrangement of fitting platforms for technical inspection for dual operations. The developed methodology for selecting the location of the technical transfer of wagons involved in dual operations has been tested on a real railway facility. The practical significance of this study lies in the improvement of the station’s operation by reducing the downtime of local wagons, as well as optimizing the conditions of service for shippers and cargo recipients by accelerating the delivery of goods.

Author Biographies

Ol’ga Olegovna Grenkevich, Siberian State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Stations and Junctions

Alexandra Dmitrievna Kalidova, Siberian State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Stations and Junctions


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How to Cite

Гренкевич, О. О., & Калидова, А. Д. (2023). Evaluating the efficiency of investment in a project for railway transport companies. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(80), 102-111. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/1356