Increasing the regulation quality of asynchronous induction motors with modal control


  • Yurii Mikhailovich Kulinich Far Eastern State Transport University
  • Dmitrii Alekseevich Starodubtsev Far Eastern State Transport University


asynchronous motor, vector control, modal control, characteristic polynomial, matrix calculation, mathematical modeling


To date, the application scope of asynchronous machines is the most extensive. Asynchronous motors are used not only in industry as conveyor drives or supply and exhaust ventilation, but also in railway transport. Low-power asynchronous motors are used in motor-fan and motor-compressor units, as well as for phase splitters’ drives. The development trend of electric vehicles is not limited to the use of low-power engines only. Nowadays, asynchronous machines are also used as traction motors for electric rolling stock. The paper discusses issues of improving the quality of regulation of an asynchronous motor by reducing the time of transient processes into dynamic ones. The main objective of the work is to develop a modal control system for the operation of an asynchronous motor, ensuring the specified quality indicators of the automatic control system. A description and simulation results of transient processes in the flux linkage and engine speed channels when using a modal controller are presented. A comparative analysis of the operation of an asynchronous motor with a vector control system using a modal controller and without it was carried out. The results of the analysis confirmed the prospects of using modal control when operating an asynchronous motor. The corresponding graphs of the transient process were obtained, confirming the attainment of the specified control time when using a modal controller. A conclusion has been formulated about the effectiveness of using the method of modal control of an asynchronous motor.

Author Biographies

Yurii Mikhailovich Kulinich, Far Eastern State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Railway Transport

Dmitrii Alekseevich Starodubtsev, Far Eastern State Transport University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Railway Transport


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How to Cite

Кулинич, Ю. М., & Стародубцев, Д. А. (2023). Increasing the regulation quality of asynchronous induction motors with modal control. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(79), 124-134. Retrieved from

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