Simulation of the cumulation process to determine the thickness and deflection of the segmental cladding of the perforator charge, providing maximum penetration depth


  • Evgeny Vitalievich Mukhutdinov Kazan National Research Technological University
  • Zul’phiya Rashidovna Vakhidova University of Management «TISBI»
  • Maksim Gennad'evich Efimov Kazan National Research Technological University


computer simulation, shaped charge with segmental lining, penetration depth, copper lining thickness


In oil wells, explosive energy is widely used in the form of a cumulative jet that breaks through a channel. For perforation and blasting operations in oil wells, perforators based on shaped charges with segmental cladding are used. However, carrying out perforation and blasting operations is expensive and dangerous. Therefore, it is promising to carry out computer modeling of the cumulation process, which is cheaper and safer as compared to a full-scale experiment. Thus, to simulate a process characterized by short flow times, large deformations and displacements, partial or complete destruction of the material, it is promising to use the ANSYS AUTODYN applied software. This article, using modern information technologies (in ANSYS AUTODYN applied software), presents a developed and tested methodology for creating a computer model for accurate determining of breakdown effect of the cumulative charge of a perforator made of a mixed energy-saturated material of high power with segmental cladding along the depth of the channel in steel plate. A virtual experiment was carried out with a model of a shaped charge of a perforator to study the directional effect of an explosion. A comparative study of the results of computer modeling and a full-scale experiment on the penetration ability of shaped charges is presented. Using computational experiments, the influence of deflection and lining thickness on the penetration depth was established. During a computational experiment for a perforator charge, the effective values of the thickness and deflection of the segmental cladding of the perforator shaped charge were found.

Author Biographies

Evgeny Vitalievich Mukhutdinov, Kazan National Research Technological University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Technology of Solid Chemicals

Zul’phiya Rashidovna Vakhidova, University of Management «TISBI»

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics

Maksim Gennad'evich Efimov, Kazan National Research Technological University

Assistant of the Department of Technology of Solid Chemicals


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How to Cite

Мухутдинов, А. Р., Вахидова, З. Р., & Ефимов, М. Г. (2023). Simulation of the cumulation process to determine the thickness and deflection of the segmental cladding of the perforator charge, providing maximum penetration depth. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(79), 172-180. Retrieved from



Information technology, management and processing