Determining the level of residual stresses by computer simulation in turning heat-resistant materials


  • Liliya Rimovna Kil’metova Ufa University of Science and Technology


residual stresses, cutting conditions, computer model, heat-resistant materials, deformation, destruction


One of the factors of the quality of the machined surface is the residual stresses arising after machining, which are important for the durability and reliability of structures and products. In this regard, the relevance of determining residual stresses, especially after machining, is becoming an increasingly important task. Residual stresses must be taken into account when designing and manufacturing products. Measuring residual stresses allows to determine their level and distribution in the material, which helps prevent problems and damage during operation, it also allows to optimize processing processes and improve the quality and reliability of products. There are various methods for measuring and relieving residual stresses, such as mechanical, X-ray diffraction, acoustic and others. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the specific requirements and conditions. However, there is no way to predict the required level of residual stresses at the stage of technological design of a product. This article proposes and describes a technique based on the use of computer modeling, which allows to predict and control the level and magnitude of residual stresses even at the stage of technological preparation for production. The use of computer simulation in conjunction with material and processing data makes it possible to fine-tune processing parameters to achieve the desired level and sign of residual stresses, which will increase production efficiency and reduce the likelihood of product defects.

Author Biography

Liliya Rimovna Kil’metova, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Lecturer of the Department of Automation of Technological Processes


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How to Cite

Кильметова, Л. Р. (2023). Determining the level of residual stresses by computer simulation in turning heat-resistant materials. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(79), 22-33. Retrieved from



Machine Building and Theoretical Engineering