The effect of the «jamming» of the pendulum on the rotating shaft of the mechanical system and its analogues


  • Anatolii Ivanovich Artyunin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Oleg Yur'evich Sumenkov Sirius University of Science and Technology


pendulum, auto-balancer, «jamming» effect, angular velocity, natural oscillation frequency, limited excitation, Sommerfeld effect, non-synchronous motion


The article describes a new phenomenon in mechanics – the effect of «jamming» of a pendulum on a rotating shaft of a mechanical system. The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that for a pendulum mounted on the motor shaft of a mechanical system with the possibility of free rotation, depending on the moment of inertia of the pendulum and friction in its support, such a mode of motion is possible when the shaft rotates at a given angular velocity, and the frequency of rotation of the pendulum is equal to one of the natural oscillation frequencies of the mechanical system. When modeling this phenomenon using the averaging operation, the equation of the pendulum motion is obtained in the first approximation, which clearly shows that the angular velocity of the pendulum on the rotating shaft of the mechanical system depends not only on the moment of inertia of the pendulum and friction in its support, but also on the natural frequency of oscillations and damping of the mechanical system. Besides, the article also considers phenomena that to a certain extent can be regarded as analogs of the «jamming» effect of a pendulum on a rotating shaft of a mechanical system, which include: vibrations of mechanical systems with limited engine power; the Sommerfeld effect; non-synchronous movement of actuating elements in the form of balls (rollers) in the ball auto-balancer of a vertical rotor. With the first two phenomena of the «jamming» pendulum effect, the analogies are more mathematical than physical in nature. The non-synchronous movement of the balls (rollers) in the ball auto-balancer of the vertical rotor is closer to the effect of the pendulum «jamming».

Author Biographies

Anatolii Ivanovich Artyunin, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Physics, Mechanics and Instrumentation

Oleg Yur'evich Sumenkov, Sirius University of Science and Technology

Ph.D. student of the Scientific Center of Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence


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How to Cite

Артюнин, А. И., & Суменков, О. Ю. (2023). The effect of the «jamming» of the pendulum on the rotating shaft of the mechanical system and its analogues. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(79), 10-21. Retrieved from



Machine Building and Theoretical Engineering