Features of using Microsoft Project software when calculating the construction schedule


  • Tatyana A. Dubrovskaya Belarusian State University of Transport
  • Irina N. Kravchenya Belarusian State University of Transport
  • Alyona I. Stryzhak Belarusian State University of Transport


railway, organization of construction and installation works, Microsoft Project program, network model


Today the Belarusian Railway is the leader of the national transportation system. Being one of the most important transport complexes of the state, it is developing successfully and provides about 70% of the turnover of all types of public transport. The existing route line provides transportation of passengers in international, interregional and regional communications, as well as between Minsk and satellite towns. At present, the railway communication includes more than 2100 settlements of the republic. Minsk is an important transport node with different types of trains passing through. The presence of railway crossings significantly complicates its operation making it urgent to convert them into overpasses and interchanges. The work considers the design of the interchange of the city ring with the station tracks “Minsk-Passenger”. Calculations were made of the duration of construction for a two-shift, as well as a three-shift construction modes. The main design solutions are provided on the basis of optimal construction costs, as well as the ability of the subsequent effectiveness and safe operation of railway transport facilities. The use of the Microsoft Project program in the development of a construction and installation work schedule makes it possible to improve the procedure for organizing work at railway construction sites. A methodology for interconnection and application of network models and Microsoft Project software has been developed. The result of the study is the creation of optimized options for organizing the construction of a railway overpass. When calculating the duration of construction, the Microsoft Excel program is used. Based on information about labor costs, the cost of 1 man-hour, as well as the number of employees, the calculation of the wage fund and the duration of construction is carried out. Basic and one competing construction options are presented. The competing option is based on the production of work on a three-shift schedule instead of a two-shift one. The three-shift construction schedule will make it possible to reduce the duration of the facility construction.


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How to Cite

Дубровская, Т. А., Кравченя, И. Н., & Стрижак, А. И. (2021). Features of using Microsoft Project software when calculating the construction schedule. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 212-224. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/142



Information technology, management and processing