Methodological aspects of information and measurement systems for functional diagnostics of dynamic objects of electrified railway transport


  • Mirdzhalil S. Yakubov Tashkent State Transport University
  • Ulugbek Sh. Isroilov Tashkent State Transport University
  • Islom Azim ugli Karimov Tashkent State Transport University


information and measurement system, functional diagnostics, diagnostic features, dynamic objects, traction power supply systems, random values distribution laws


The article considers theoretical and practical aspects of developing mathematical models of information and measurement systems (IMS) of functional diagnostics and monitoring of propulsion substations and high-speed transmission systems and network components, with a preemptive focus on the application of innovative technologies. It notes the characteristics of the electricity supply, influenced by the complex dynamic and interconnected technological regimes of the energy-stressed units of contact and traction substations spread over a large area. They should provide reliable operation according to the required capacity and parameters of electrical quality, as well as safety and stability of the rolling stock management process. In order to ensure mutually coherent technical and technological regimes, taking into account multi-criteria optimum indicators and the formation of solutions, the usefulness of continuous functional diagnostics of objects with the application of modern information and measurement systems has been demonstrated. It is considered important to have not only built-in systems and sufficiently reliable means for functional diagnostics of technological power supply facilities, but also specific methodological recommendations for processing measurement results on the basis of analytical laws of random distribution using normal Gaussian, exponential, logarithmic normal and Weibull-Gnedenko laws to better define the application of integrated shared diagnostic features. The material framework of the new information and measurement system is specified on the basis of modern measuring means with high metrological, dynamic and reliable characteristics, provided by microprocessor devices with frequency output into the data transmission channel.


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How to Cite

Якубов, М. С., Исроилов, У. Ш., & Каримов, И. А. у. (2021). Methodological aspects of information and measurement systems for functional diagnostics of dynamic objects of electrified railway transport. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 36-43. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering