The development of a lean production system using the example of a plant


  • Diana Yur'evna Grishkova Siberian State Transport University
  • Ol'ga Yur'evna Chuikova Siberian State Transport University


сompetitiveness, logistic methods, lean manufacturing, rational organization of the workplace, losses, work efficiency


The article analyzes the relevance and significance of application of the «Lean production» concept in the market of manufacturers abroad and in Russia. The external economic situation and countermeasures related to import substitution give impetus to the reorganization of production systems through the use of the above concept, while the dynamics of changes in the external environment and differences in operating conditions require the development of an appropriate methodological apparatus for the development of effective production systems at the enterprise. Based on the analysis of specialized materials and the generalization of the results of the application of lean production at today's enterprises a modern system of efficient production processes has been formulated, based on a logistic management concept, which is an ideology of the production process capable of solving issues of resource conservation, improving the quality and of labor productivity. Using the classical groups of lean production principles and the modern system of lean production tools, a conceptual model of an effective production system is proposed, based on a multi-level understanding of the lean production apparatus and taking into account the organizational elements of lean production. A study of the production system of JSC «Novosibirsk Switch Plant» showed the main production assets to have a heavy physical and moral deterioration, as well as low renewal rates. The company suffers losses resulting from manufacturing defects. To achieve maximum efficiency of material flows in production with minimal costs, it is necessary to modernize production processes related to logistics, which will allow to be one step ahead of competitors. The existing implementation algorithms for Lean manufacturing have their advantages and disadvantages, can be of a recommendatory nature and used, also, in machine-building plants with in-line production. Currently, JSC Novosibirsk Switch Plant is implementing a fairly simple Lean manufacturing tool – the workspace organization system (5S), allowing to get instant results during implementation and requiring no significant resources. Nevertheless, like all Lean manufacturing tools and technologies, the 5S system must be adapted to the local conditions of the organization of production processes. The method of pilot projects is very good when the implementation of Lean manufacturing tools and technologies is carried out locally at one or several sites of enterprises. Then, with a successful result achieved, the so-called replication of experience takes place taking into account local conditions. In order to evaluate the activities carried out aimed at increasing the productivity of JSC «Novosibirsk Switch Plant», it is proposed to use the «Lean manufacturing wheel» experimental method which can be considered as a qualitative analysis of the investigated production system. The theoretical significance of this work lies in the research of lean production tools and methods with their adaptation to a specific enterprise. The experience of this study can be applied to other enterprises with a similar production system (the so-called benchmarking). The developed list of indicators for the production system under consideration is also of practical importance.

Author Biographies

Diana Yur'evna Grishkova, Siberian State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics, Commercial Work and Rolling Stock

Ol'ga Yur'evna Chuikova, Siberian State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics, Commercial Work and Rolling Stock


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How to Cite

Гришкова, Д. Ю., & Чуйкова, О. Ю. (2024). The development of a lean production system using the example of a plant. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(81), 150-162. Retrieved from



Information technology, management and processing