The current state and development problems of the transport and logistics system of Russia


  • Victoriya Alexandrovna Olentsevich Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Vasilii Vasil'evich Gorshkov Transportation Management Center at the Eastern landfill of structural division of the Central Directorate of Traffic Management – a branch of JSC «Russian Railways»
  • Vladimir Sergeevich Brytkov Irkutsk State Transport University


the Eastern polygon of railways, transport and logistics system, business process management, cargo base, transport infrastructure complex, parameterization of facilities, high-yield cargo, container transportation, terminal and logistics center


The use of a logistics center as an intermediate link in the supply chain is one of the main trends in the international transport market today. The practice of relations between types of transport, especially sea and railway ones, in the operation of the Eastern Railway Polygon, shows a set of unsolved problems reflected mostly in the organizational and technological sectors. The foundation for ensuring effective and uninterrupted interaction of these types of transport includes compliance with the schedule for the supply of railway rolling stock to transport complexes in accordance with the capabilities of loading and unloading devices of seaports of the Far East; joint approval of the regime for the supply of marine rolling stock at the time of arrival of wagons and containers, destination for a specific vessel in the area of the port of destination; the availability of technical and technological reserves at terminal and warehouse complexes located in seaports, which allow for the accumulation of the cargo base arriving at their address in the volume of the ship's consignment. The solution of these issues is largely relevant for the development of international relations. These factors allow us to conclude that today Russia is faced with the need to develop transport infrastructure as soon as possible, which, ultimately, will allow to reduce the cost of transporting goods and the cost of the final product, fully utilize the transit potential, unite and regulate the interaction of all participants in the transportation process and increase the level of services in cargo transportation. The scientific article defines the current state and problems of development of the transport and logistics system of the Russian Federation. The assessment of domestic and international experience in the sector of formation of transport and logistics infrastructure facilities is given, the issues of formation of a transport and logistics system at the national and regional levels are considered. The methodology of rational placement of logistics centers is presented, the prerequisites for the creation of a concept for the development of terminal and logistics centers are determined by the example of the organization k of the Eastern Railway Polygon operation. According to the results of the analysis, an imbalance was revealed between the requests of users of railway transport services for a full range of high-level logistics services, as well as the need to increase freight traffic and the lack of necessary capacities and services, especially in the regions. The assessment of the effectiveness of the ongoing project to create centers should take into account such risk categories as the political situation, the state of macroeconomics, market demand, financial and economic transactions.

Author Biographies

Victoriya Alexandrovna Olentsevich, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operation Work Management

Vasilii Vasil'evich Gorshkov, Transportation Management Center at the Eastern landfill of structural division of the Central Directorate of Traffic Management – a branch of JSC «Russian Railways»

Deputy Head of the Center

Vladimir Sergeevich Brytkov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Operation Work Management


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How to Cite

Оленцевич, В. А., Горшков, В. В., & Брытков, В. С. (2024). The current state and development problems of the transport and logistics system of Russia. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(81), 103-112. Retrieved from

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