Comparative analysis of the technological equipment for the digital traction substation


  • Elena Yu. Puzina Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk National Research Technical University


digital traction substation, autotransformer, traction transformers, process level, systems of diagnostics and monitoring


A digital substation is a substation in which all information flows while solving problems of monitoring, analysis and control are organized digitally, and the parameters of such transfer are determined by the single file of a digital project. A local computational network based on the Ethernet technology is used as the main means of data transfer within a digital substation, and protocols described by the MEK 61850 standard are applied as communication protocols. One of the key features of the digital substation is the closeness of the devices for collecting discrete and analog signals and issuing control actions directly to the equipment with the subsequent transfer of all information necessary for the functioning of relay protection and automation complexes and an automated control system for production processes of substations and electrical parts of stations, in digital form. Due to this, a reduction in the total length of electrical cables and secondary circuits is achieved, and, as a consequence, there is a decrease in the likelihood of their damage and an increase in the observability of secondary systems. In Russia, the process of digitalization of traction substations of electrified railways is currently at its initial stage. Single projects of digital traction substations are at the stage of implementation of their first segment, i.e. the first level – the process level. The equipment of this level used for this is not unified, products of various domestic and foreign manufacturers are used. This work, based on a comparative analysis of technical indicators, scope of capabilities, operating conditions and other characteristics, allows forming a list of the most optimal types of the equipment of domestic production at the process level for digital traction substations. This makes it possible to unify the process of their design and implementation on the network of Russian railways.


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How to Cite

Пузина, Е. Ю. (2021). Comparative analysis of the technological equipment for the digital traction substation. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 92-104. Retrieved from

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