Application of a “decision tree” method in the diagnostics of faults of the internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle


  • Oleg V. Kuzmin Irkutsk State University
  • Vadim A. Golikov Irkutsk State University


hierarchical structure, partially ordered set, generalized Pascal pyramid, a “decision tree” method, automobile, internal combustion engine, maintenance, diagnostics, car service


At the current level of development of the motor vehicle fleet, the first place is given to the issues of ensuring the reliability, reliability and environmental friendliness of the motor vehicle, which are designed to ensure the safety of its operation. The main motor vehicle unit, which accounts for the largest number of failures, is the internal combustion engine (ICE). The reliability of engines depends not only on their design, manufacturing technology, vehicle operating conditions, but to a large extent on the organization and quality of their service. To improve the quality of the operational characteristics of the internal combustion engine, an essential role is played by timely and reliable diagnostics of its technical condition with the timely organization of regulatory measures, which are determined by the results of diagnostics. It can be argued that timely diagnostics of engine malfunctions and maintaining its performance characteristics at a high-quality level is the most important condition for the smooth operation of motor transport vehicles. During the operation of road transport, various deviations in the operation of the internal combustion engine often occur both during the movement and idle condition. The number of such deviations is variable and depends on a different combination of faults of mechanisms and systems. The resulting combinations of faults require an individual approach to their identification. Even for experienced drivers and mechanics who are well aware of the principles of engine systems and mechanisms, troubleshooting is difficult. In such cases diagnostic tools are used. This article discusses one of the ways to represent rules in a hierarchical, sequential structure – the method of decision trees, where each object corresponds to a single node that gives a decision. It gives the general principles and examples of the use of this method in the problems of diagnosing the technical condition of the engine of a motor vehicle. The paper also considers the issues of expert diagnostics of the technical status of the internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle in the condition of the car service station. A decision tree is proposed for low oil pressure in the engine. It can be used to create knowledge bases for employees of car service stations.


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How to Cite

Кузьмин, О. В., & Голиков, В. А. (2021). Application of a “decision tree” method in the diagnostics of faults of the internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 113-120. Retrieved from