Innovations in the field of monitoring of the state of turnout switches


  • Vitalii V. Atapin Samara State Transport University, The Research and Production Center of Information and Transport Systems
  • Artyom A. Chekin Samara State Transport University, The Research and Production Center of Information and Transport Systems
  • Artur V. Bashirov Samara State Transport University


turnout switch, electronic template, unified corporate automated infrastructure management system, form PU-29, synchronization, complex risk assessment, matrix of risks, malfunction, measurement scheme, measuring time


The article considers the issues of control and assessment of the state of turnout switches. It shows the significance of a turnout switch as one of the main objects of the infrastructure complex with a wide list of controlled parameters, with an indication of their name, the section in the form PU-29 and the control means used. The existing procedure and measuring devices used in the process of monitoring the state of turnout switches are described. The authors represent the main form of reporting on the state of turnout switches PU-29 «Book of recording the results of checking turnout switches and crossings at grade" with a detailed description of the method of filling it out. The paper indicates the prerequisites for and importance of the transition to the use of electronic gauge templates. It describes features distinguishing them from conventional hand tools, provides their technical characteristics and considers the principle of operation of each of the devices. A new technology for monitoring the state of turnout switches is represented. The authors describe the scheme of interaction of automated gauge templates with the mobile workplace software, the unified corporate automated infrastructure management system, which is designed to objectively control the normalized technical parameters of turnout switches in operation. Thanks to the use of this software, the influence of the human factor on the measurement recording processes and the formation of deviations in the content are eliminated by controlling the recording process and transmitting the measured parameters. Examples of measurements of individual parameters of the turnout switch are provided by the automated APSh-03MS track gauge. The advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of new diagnostic tools are presented. Technical solutions are proposed to optimize and improve the process of monitoring the state of turnout switches.


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How to Cite

Атапин, В. В., Чекин, А. А., & Баширов, А. В. (2021). Innovations in the field of monitoring of the state of turnout switches. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 128-138. Retrieved from