Analysis of damage of electric stock current collectors and modernization of catenary support misalignment control systems


  • Sultan F. Amirov Tashkent State Transport University
  • Timur N. Badretdinov Tashkent State Transport University
  • Il’dar N. Bayanov Tashkent State Transport University


railway transport, catenary, catenary supports, сatenary diagnostics, the Pareto diagram, angle of inclination of reinforced concrete supports, misalignment


Increased traffic speeds and increased freight traffic on electrified railways place high demands on the entire infrastructure, including catenary devices. It is often the most vulnerable element of the traction power supply system. This is due to the fact that, along with the impact of climatic, natural phenomena and complex technical operating conditions, it is exposed to various electrical influences. And since this element of electrified railways does not have a reserve of its main components, it is subject to increased technical requirements. This article deals with the problem of finding the most rational way to control the state of the catenary devices and determine their gravest flaws in operation with the combined movement of various types of trains. It analyzes catenary faults based on the Pareto theory, determines the most frequent types of faults of catenary devices and gives a brief scientific review of the available developments on the control of the misalignment of reinforced concrete catenary supports. An algorithm has also been developed for processing the data obtained from measuring sensors to determine the maximum angle of deflection of catenary support structures. In the proposed method of measuring the inclination angle of the supports, the tapering of the reinforced concrete poles of the supports does not influence the measurement accuracy. The research methodology is based on the collection and processing of initial data in order to find a rational solution to the problem of diagnostics of catenary devices.


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How to Cite

Амиров, С. Ф., Бадретдинов, Т. Н., & Баянов, И. Н. (2021). Analysis of damage of electric stock current collectors and modernization of catenary support misalignment control systems. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 138-145. Retrieved from