Mesures for eradication of signaling subsystem false triggering in the AMT telemechanics system within the range of Chita power supply distance of Zabaykalskaya railroad, the subdepartment of Russian Railways


  • Andrey V. Rogalyov Zabaikalsk Rail Transport Institute, a branch of Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Alexander G. Emelyanov Zabaikalsk Rail Transport Institute, a branch of Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Sergey N. Andaliev Chita distance Power supply ECH-1, Trans-Baikal Directorate for Power Supply JV “Transenergo” – branch of the Russian Railways


telesignaling, telemechanics system, interference signal,


The article is dedicated to the actual problem of the occurance of an accidental false triggering in the remote signaling subsystem of the AMT telemechanics system. The paths of possible interference into the input / output circuits of the signal conversion modules of the TS of the TU-TS AMT-002 rack located at the EC post of the Tyrgetuy station located within the Chita power supply distance ECH-1 of the Trans-Baikal Railway are analyzed in detail. In orger to research the AMT tele-signaling subsystem operation, a simulation model of the input circuits of the optocouplers of the MST-95 and AMT telemechanics system was developed. An assessment of the degree of circuitry influence upon the sensitivity of the input element of the MST-95 optocoupler module  and AMT telemechanics system has been carried out. The simulation model was based on the real parameters of the electronic components of the MST-95 and AMT  tracks. Based on the calculations performed in the Multisim 11.0 software package, the responses to the interference effect were determined for four different options of eliminating false alarms. The performed simulation showed that the degree of the input  circuits sensitivity of the optocouplers of the MCT-95 and AMT telemechanics systems is significantly influenced by the value of the input impedance of the optocoupler. At the same time, the influence of interference significantly exceeding the nominal values magnitude of the optocoupler actuation voltage, causes the latter's actuation, resulting in the emergence of a false indication of the telesignalization actuation at the ECH. In this case, under the influence of the interference voltage, a voltage is formed in the input circuits of the optocouplers, leading to its abnormal triggering. The increase in the sensitivity of the optocoupler module of the AMT telemechanics system, compared to the MST-95,  as designed structurally, was found to be a source of abnormal triggering of the optocoupler phototransistor, both in the presence and the absense of the interference voltage. It was noted that the operating conditions of the existing circuits of the AMT optocoupler module results in a false triggering of the TS subsystem, the latter presenting a significant limitation in organizing energy dispatch control of the configuration of the traction power supply system, which is critically important to ensure a reliable and efficient transportation process within the boundaries of ECH-1 ZabNTE.


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How to Cite

Рогалёв, А. В., Емельянов, А. Г., & Андалиев, С. Н. (2021). Mesures for eradication of signaling subsystem false triggering in the AMT telemechanics system within the range of Chita power supply distance of Zabaykalskaya railroad, the subdepartment of Russian Railways. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 59-66. Retrieved from