Air flows Modeling for a container type generator


  • Pavel M. Afanaskov Belarusian State University of Transport
  • Andrey P. Dedinkin Belarusian State University of Transport


container-type generators, energy container, small power engineering, CFD-modeling, air flow temperature, diesel generator, cooling system, Flow Simulation


The purpose of the container-type generators and the options for their application are considered. The main technical characteristics, standard equipment and layout of the container-type generator (energy container) are described. The analysis of cases of emergency shutdowns of one of the diesel generator sets installed in the considered energy container is carried out. The amount of heat to be removed to the environment in the calculated cooling circuit for the considered container-type generator model has been determined. The theoretical substantiation of the reasons for the emergency shutdown of one of the diesel generators in the considered model of the energy container is presented. Thermal imaging control was carried out to determine the temperatures of the outer and inner shells of the energy container, as well as elements of equipment and a diesel generator set when operating under load. The theoretical foundations of the Solidworks Flow Simulation module, which are designed to solve applied problems of fluid dynamics and associated heat transfer, are described. The approaches of "thick boundary layer" and "thin boundary layer" used in modeling the boundary layer by the method of "two-scale near-wall functions" (finite volume method) are considered. Computer simulation of air flow distribution in the volume of the energy container has been carried out. The main research results obtained in the process of modeling the distribution of air flows in a container-type generator are presented. The analysis of the research results was carried out and recommendations were made for changing the design of the considered energy container in order to reduce the temperature of the air entering the cooling radiators of diesel generators.


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How to Cite

Афанаськов, П. М., & Дединкин, А. П. (2021). Air flows Modeling for a container type generator. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 10-18. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering