Modeling the process of paint peeling off metal surfaces and oxide contamination under dielectric heating using the finite element system “Marc”


  • Alexander S. Popov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Maksim S. Popov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Sergey I. Popov Irkutsk State Transport University


cleaning of metal surfaces, high-frequency radiation, dielectric heating, Marc, engineering analysis, heat and strength analysis, technological process


The process is considered of peeling off of coatings of metal parts during their cleaning . The cleaning method is based on the temperature difference inside the part (substrate) and the coating, resulting in temperature stresses, including those caused by differences in the thermal characteristics of the coating and the substrate. The parameters of the external electromagnetic field and electrophysical characteristics of metal surface coating materials that affect heating in the RF electromagnetic fields are described.When evaluating the cleaning efficiency of metal surfaces, the starting temperature of separation at a given density of heat flow through the surface and the nature of changes in the thermal resistance of the material due to its thermal destruction are important. An engineering analysis of paint and oxide contamination peeling off metal surfaces under the influence of a high-frequency electric field using the finite element system Marc was performed. The calculation of the thermal and stress-strain state is made. Calculations will help to reduce the number of physical tests and save money for the development of technological processes. The analysis is performed by the finite element method in a thermo-mechanical formulation. The dielectric heating method is considered. The calculation of temperature and stress-strain state fields is performed in order to predict the separation of the coating from the metal surface. The obtained simulation results can be widely used in the development of technological processes for cleaning metal surfaces and parts from paint and oxide contamination in the high frequency electric field.


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How to Cite

Попов, А. С., Попов, М. С., & Попов, С. И. (2021). Modeling the process of paint peeling off metal surfaces and oxide contamination under dielectric heating using the finite element system “Marc”. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 34-48. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering