Safety and operation of railway transport when performing complex works on non-destructive testing of axle box bearings


  • Lyubov V. Martynenko Irkutsk State Transport University


railway transport, traffic safety, non-destructive testing, axle box assembly, wheel–rail system, bearing malfunctions


The article considers temperature dependences leading to failures of axle boxes on freight rolling stock. The main malfunctions and defects affecting the failure of the axle box are presented. In operation, the operability of bearings is mainly determined by the heating temperature of the axle boxes. The main control of temperature changes is carried out using an automated device that reads information on the heating of the axle box unit using an infrared emitter built into the upgraded technical means complex. The axle boxes of wagons and locomotives have always been the subject of special control to ensure the safety of rolling stock traffic. Under conditions of increasing traffic speeds and increased load capacity across the entire railway network, the load on the running gear of the car and the axle box as a whole has increased. In the current situation, the operability of the axle box node decreases, and the load increases, which leads to improper operation and failure of this node. The statistics on the heating of the axle box in even and odd directions are considered. The data taken from a set of technical means designed for comparative analysis of the movement of wagons with different technical parameters and transported cargo, as well as malfunctions in the “wheel – rail” system are presented. In operation, malfunctions often occur as a result of bearings jamming, which occur when the rolling elements are incorrectly selected in length and diameter. Uncoupling of freight rolling stock mainly occurs due to failures of axle assemblies, and the main percentage of failure is due to malfunctions of the end mount and rolling elements of the bearing.


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How to Cite

Мартыненко, Л. В. (2021). Safety and operation of railway transport when performing complex works on non-destructive testing of axle box bearings. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 193-200. Retrieved from

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