Development of the design of the experimental fitting to suppress autooscillations of technological system during the face milling


  • Sergey V. Chetverikov Zabaikalsk Rail Transport Institute, a branch of Irkutsk State Transport University


autooscillations, milling of nonrigid work parts, tool, cutting plate, dynamic stability, cutting speed


One of the most undesirable phenomena that occur when processing non-rigid parts is the occurrence of self-oscillation of the work piece, which results in: deterioration of the roughness and accuracy of the treated surface, premature wear of the tool and its failure. Therefore, many scientific papers have been devoted to solving the problem of increasing the dynamic stability of a technological system when processing non-rigid parts. In production conditions, to reduce the risk of self-oscillation, cutting modes are most often changed, which leads to loss of productivity. Various methods have been developed to deal with self-oscillations that occur during the processing of parts. Their essence is mainly reduced to the use of various dampers. To deal with selfoscillations, it is more appropriate not to extinguish the arising self-oscillations, but to create conditions for their non-occurrence. This approach is based on an understanding of the physics of the self-oscillation excitation process. In this paper, the principal possibility of damping self-oscillations by using standard cutting plates with a modified value of the rear angle is investigated. In the course of the work, the scientific and technical problem of increasing the dynamic stability of the process of face milling of non-rigid work pieces was solved. The existing methods and means of increasing vibration stability and productivity of face milling processes are considered. A promising way to suppress self-oscillation by using a tool with cutting plates with a modified
back angle is selected. The possibility of vibration damping by changing the value of the rear angle of the cutting plate is experimentally proved. The method of conducting experiments was developed, and the necessary measurements were made. Studies have shown the feasibility of using cutting plates with a modified back angle when milling non-rigid parts.


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How to Cite

Четвериков, С. В. (2021). Development of the design of the experimental fitting to suppress autooscillations of technological system during the face milling. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 10-20. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering