Comparative demand analysis for repair of the left-bank tram network of the city of Novosibirsk


  • Artemij D. Fedosov Siberian Transport University
  • Evgeniy S. Anterejkin Siberian Transport University


maintenance, tramway, the upper structure of the track, major repairs of the track, passenger transportation, the length of the site, the frequency of repairs, the service life of the track, the design of the track


The article provides a comparative analysis of the compliance of the normative, planned and actually completed volumes of overall repair of the tramway track of the left-bank tram network of the city of Novosibirsk. The historical aspects of the appearance of tram lines in this part of the city are touched upon. For the purpose of research, the specified network is divided into 31 sections with certain characteristics. The main characteristics of the sections were taken into account, such as type, class, type of track superstructure elements, track design, years of track laying and overall repairs. The longitudinal profiles, the plan of the line, the presence of separation of the tram track from the road were also taken into account. In accordance with statistical data on the number of routes and the volume of passenger transportation, the type of rolling stock, over the past five years, the average traffic density was determined for each section. Traffic density was taken into account to determine the standard frequency of overall repairs. Taking into account local conditions, the duration of the pre-repair service life of tram sections was established in the work. The data on the volumes of planned and actually completed overall repairs for the period since 2003 are presented. It was found that the recommended standard period for overall repairs for many areas has expired. The planned volume of repairs is less than the standard due to different approaches to the appointment of repairs. With the criterion for the appointment of repairs determined by establishing the actual state of the track, the volume of required repairs is reduced. This is achieved by replacing overall works with current ones. At the same time, the actual volume of overall repairs carried out does not correspond to either the normative or the planned one.


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How to Cite

Федосов, А. Д., & Антерейкин, Е. С. (2021). Comparative demand analysis for repair of the left-bank tram network of the city of Novosibirsk. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 112-122. Retrieved from