Forecast values of requests for the most progressive channels of attracting customers, taking into account the influence of the transport market


  • Nataliya V. Vlasova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Viktoriya A. Olencevich Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Nikolay P. Astashkov Irkutsk State Transport University


the center for the provision of services, the forecast of appeals, cargo classes, the drop in the volume of high-yield cargo positions, the level of attractiveness of the service, competition for shippers, transport and logistics products and services, the scheme for the implementation of active sales, key performance evaluation indicators


The modern development of economic relations not only within the country, but also externally, requires JSC "Russian Railways" to significantly improve the quality of service to cargo owners. The existing format of the transport market contributes to the development of container transportation and the emergence of high-tech logistics centers in large transport hubs, automation and informatization of transport terminals, the creation of modern loading and unloading infrastructure. The search for new ways to increase the competitiveness of railway transport, the attraction of new volumes of cargo determined the choice of the topic of the scientific research. The development of modern client-oriented methods and approaches to the organization of the work of railway centers for the provision of transport services with a drop in the share of loading of the highly profitable transportation sector is quite acute. According to the conducted scientific research, there is a possibility that the highly profitable segment of goods transported by rail may "leave" the industry, provided that there is no urgency in applying measures that contribute to their outflow to road transport. In this connection, the struggle for high-yield cargo for JSC "Russian Railways" becomes a fundamentally important task. In the presented article, the authors analyzed the performance indicators of the Armed Forces of the center for the provision of services by classes of transported goods, concluded that the unit's performance was insufficient. This conclusion is based on the identified factor of a significant drop in traffic volumes for many high-yield cargo items. In order to improve the quality of services provided, a scheme of interaction with the business units of the transport and logistics business unit was built. To optimize the existing channels of attracting customers,  and search for the new ones, effective forms of interaction with customers focused on obtaining additional revenue and profit of JSC "Russian Railways" are presented. The forecast of appeals was created for the most progressive, according to the authors of the article, channels of attracting customers, taking into account the influence of the transport market, which will increase the level of attractiveness of this service.


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How to Cite

Власова, Н. В., Оленцевич, В. А., & Асташков, Н. П. (2021). Forecast values of requests for the most progressive channels of attracting customers, taking into account the influence of the transport market. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 169-178. Retrieved from

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