Using the Duhamel integral to analyze electromagnetic processes in the power circuits of AC electric locomotives


  • Dem'yan Andreevich Suprun Far Eastern State Transport University
  • Vitaliy Gennad'evich Skorik Far Eastern State Transport University


Duhamel integral, current in the motor circuit, electric locomotive of alternating current, reversible converter, Dirichlet conditions, traction motor of sequential excitation


The article considers a method for obtaining an analytical dependence of the system response to the impact of a complex waveform signal. In some cases, the specificity of the shape of the acting signal curve does not allow obtaining the desired dependence by the classical solution of a differential equation. It is noted that in such a situation, finding the analytical dependence of the desired physical quantity on time rules out the possibility of using numerical solutions. Therefore, under given conditions, the use of the Duhamel integral is proposed as the most optimal way to solve the problem. The practical area of application of this method is the calculation of electromagnetic transients in power electronics circuits. As an example, the article considers the use of the Duhamel integral in mathematical modeling of fast processes in the electrical circuits of single-phase АС main electric locomotives. The switching processes of power thyristor switches lead to an abrupt change in the main electrical circuit of the current flow. To study the nature of the change in the circuits current of traction motors, its analytical dependence on time was derived. In mathematical modeling, the calculations were carried out for the conditions determined by the standard control algorithm in the traction mode of the electric locomotive, without taking into account the features of multi-circuit switching of thyristor arms. A comparative analysis of the simulation and measurement results under real operating conditions of an electric locomotive showed the adequacy of the created mathematical model to real processes occurring in the power circuits of the rolling stock. The obtained results of the calculation prove the possibility of using the proposed approach for the analysis of electromagnetic transients in electromechanical systems.

Author Biographies

Dem'yan Andreevich Suprun, Far Eastern State Transport University

Lecturer of the Department «Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Electromechanics»

Vitaliy Gennad'evich Skorik, Far Eastern State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Head of the Department «Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Electromechanics»


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How to Cite

Супрун, Д. А., & Скорик, В. Г. (2022). Using the Duhamel integral to analyze electromagnetic processes in the power circuits of AC electric locomotives. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(73), 145-152. Retrieved from