Assessing cargo demand through matrix recovery correspondence using different data


  • Ol'ga Anatol'evna Lebedeva Angarsk State Technical University
  • Valeriy Erofeevich Gozbenko Angarsk State Technical University, Irkutsk State Transport University


correspondence matrix, traffic flow, modeling, freight demand


An important scientific direction in the development of the organization of the freight transportation process is the study of methods for evaluating correspondence matrices using various data, which corresponds to the strategy of socio-economic development of the Irkutsk region for the period up to 2036. Automobile urban freight transport is an important part of the transport system of the Russian Federation, whose effective functioning creates conditions for the development of the economy, ensuring the satisfaction of transport needs. Under these conditions, increasing the requirements for the quality of transport services and ensuring the safety and sustainability of the transportation system functioning are a present day challenge facing road transport and requiring a clear definition of priorities, goals and objectives for the development of road transport, as a sub-brunch of the country's transport complex. The relevance of the scientific article lies in the fact that the problem of assessing freight demand by evaluating correspondence matrices is complex. Since the 1970s, several methods have been developed to evaluate correspondence matrices using all kinds of data. It has been shown that some techniques can be applied only under certain limited conditions and may result in information losses. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use elastic rather than fixed links. Another option is to use the stochastic estimation method (binary calibration) due to the lack of coefficients depending on time and space, this method can be used to predict the activity of freight transport in urban agglomerations in the form of a single system to guarantee the compliance with the quality standards of its service under high operational efficiency transport system. Comparative analysis of various matrix estimation methods is the purpose of this article.

Author Biographies

Ol'ga Anatol'evna Lebedeva, Angarsk State Technical University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department «Management of Automobile Transport»

Valeriy Erofeevich Gozbenko, Angarsk State Technical University, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, the Full Professor of the Department «Management of automobile transport» (Angarsk State Technical University), the Full Professor of the Department «Mathematics» (Irkutsk State Transport University)


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How to Cite

Лебедева, О. А., & Гозбенко, В. Е. (2022). Assessing cargo demand through matrix recovery correspondence using different data. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(73), 86-94. Retrieved from

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