Selection of optimal types of the process level and substation level equipment of the digital traction substation


  • Elena Yur'evna Puzina Irkutsk State Transport University


digital traction substation, traction transformers, connection levels and substations, diagnostic and monitoring systems


At present, the urgent task in the Open Joint Stock Company «Russian Railways», aimed at reducing operational expenses, improving the process control systems and choosing the optimal development directions, is the digitalization of all divisions of the joint-stock company. As far as the power supply for Russian railways is concerned, the elements of digital transformation include, among other things, the organization of digital traction substations. The implementation of digital traction substation projects is currently just beginning to be carried out. Single traction substations on the Gorky and West Siberian railways are equipped with the process level equipment, mainly the devices for monitoring the state of power equipment, operational circuits, high-voltage circuit breakers, surge arresters, cells of complete switchgears of medium voltage classes. The progress towards the second and third levels of the digital traction substation is just beginning. The second level of the digital traction substation includes relay protection and automation devices, emergency event registration and emergency automation. The third level consists of traction substation control systems, program-technical complexes and human-machine interfaces. And in this regard, it is extremely important to develop a concept for the unification of the equipment and software used at these levels. The implementation of this concept will allow, using the example of individual traction substations, to work out the feasibility of using certain types of equipment and to accept the best equipment options for implementation. This, in turn, will further ensure the reliability of the operation of digital traction substations and increase the safety of the transportation process.

Author Biography

Elena Yur'evna Puzina, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Subdepartment «Electric Power Industry of Transport»


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How to Cite

Пузина, Е. Ю. (2022). Selection of optimal types of the process level and substation level equipment of the digital traction substation. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(73), 133-144. Retrieved from

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