On the interaction of track and rolling stock on high-speed sections depending on the shape of rail and wheel profiles


  • Anatoliy Yur'evich Abrurashitov Infrastructure Design Bureau – branch of JSC «Russian Railways»
  • Yuliya Nikolaevna Yurkova Russian University of transport (MIET)


high-speed traffic, the outline of the profile rails, interaction of track and rolling stock, the wear of the rails, wheel rental, contact pressure, vertical force, maintenance of rails and wheels


The results of the analysis of problematic issues in the «wheel-rail» system interaction are presented. The main types of wheel and rail contacts are considered, including single-point and conformal ones. It is noted that such a profile can be given to wheels and rails in the process of current maintenance, while rails can be profiled immediately after having been laid in the track. The measurement data of rail profiles on the sections of high-speed traffic and wheels of the «Sapsan» and «Lastochka» trains are presented as well as calculations for determining forces and stresses during the interaction of rolling stock and track on selected sections of a speed traffic (Gorkiy railway) and a high-speed traffic (Oktyabrskaya railway). The influence of the outline of the transverse profile of rails and the profile of new and worn wheels of the «Sapsan» and «Lastochka» trains on the level of their interaction is estimated, while taking into account the slope of the rails and the width of the track. Based on the simulation results, the forces and stresses in the wheel-rail contact patch are evaluated depending on the shape of the rolling surface of the wheels and rails. The results of the evaluation of the equivalent taper during the interaction in the «wheel-rail» system on the sections of high-speed and speed traffic are presented. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about the recommended speeds of movement on the surveyed sections of the track. It is shown that the simulation results may serve as a basis for the development of an action plan to optimize the shape of the profiles of wheels and rails and allowing adjustments to be made to their maintenance system.

Author Biographies

Anatoliy Yur'evich Abrurashitov, Infrastructure Design Bureau – branch of JSC «Russian Railways»

Ph.D in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, head of rail department

Yuliya Nikolaevna Yurkova, Russian University of transport (MIET)

Ph.D. Student of Department «Path and path facilities»


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How to Cite

Абдурашитов, А. Ю., & Юркова, Ю. Н. (2022). On the interaction of track and rolling stock on high-speed sections depending on the shape of rail and wheel profiles. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(73), 170-177. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/542