Development of methods and modern technical means ensuring safe transportation of passengers in the conditions of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic


  • Yurii Ivanovich Matyash Omsk State Transport University
  • Alexandr Dmitrievich Rodchenko Omsk State Transport University
  • Alexei Petrovich Kornilovich Passenger carriage depot Omsk


passenger transportation, coronavirus, disinfection, sanitization, technical means, railway station, travel documents


The article proposes a step-by-step implementation of methods and modern technical means to ensure safe and comfortable conditions for the transportation of passengers by rail. The implementation of those requires, first of all, any direct contacts between a passenger suspected of having a Covid-19 and railway worker ruled out. In order to prevent passengers with suspected Covid-19 from entering the railway station, continuous monitoring of the body temperature of passengers using thermal imaging cameras at the entrance is recommended as well as disinfecting the outerwear of all passengers with a solution neither damaging the fabric of clothing nor leaving stains on it while, most likely, destroying pathogenic viruses, fungi and bacteria. Since a significant part of the Russian railways borders with countries that have foci with especially dangerous infections, the next step is to disinfect the outer surfaces of the train arriving at the railway station, including disinfecting all outer surfaces of the station square. To prevent a passenger with suspected Covid-19 from entering the carriage, we recommend that the conductor continuously controls the passengers’ body temperature, then checking the availability of travel documents, including the presence of a coronavirus vaccination (QR code or certificate). Passengers with elevated temperatures are encouraged to undergo additional testing before travel. In order to prevent the spread of the virus during the transportation of passengers, we recommend (before the departure) to clean and disinfect the air ducts of passenger cars, e.g., with dry ice granules, and install a bactericidal recirculator in the air ducts of ventilation systems. The step-by-step implementation of the proposed methods and modern technical means allows ensuring safe and comfortable conditions for the continuous production workers and transportation of passengers.

Author Biographies

Yurii Ivanovich Matyash, Omsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Wagons and wagon facilities

Alexandr Dmitrievich Rodchenko, Omsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Wagons and wagon facilities


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How to Cite

Матяш, Ю. И., Родченко, А. Д., & Корнилович, А. П. (2022). Development of methods and modern technical means ensuring safe transportation of passengers in the conditions of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(74), 142-150. Retrieved from