The bar dynamic behavior simulation by repeatable loading at the laboratory conditions


  • Mikhail Alexeevich Dudaev Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Dar'ya Vladimirovna Nemitovskaya Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Alina Eduardovna Veryanskaya Irkutsk State Transport University


damping, dynamics, bending, vibrations, finite element method, resistance of materials, resonance, strain gauging, frequency response, electronics


The article deals with revision of the stand for modelling at the laboratory conditions of repeatable loads dynamic loading simulation with various frequencies. Load frequency can be regulated, which allow to simulate of bar bend dynamic behavior at the subcritical, critical and supercritical modes. To take into account the influence of the distributed mass of the beam on the vibration eigenfrequency and the forced vibrations amplitude, the installation behavior was simulated by the finite element method; the beam mass coefficients of reduction to the oscillator installation point were calculated. Construction of stand allows calibrating it at the static load mode before experience that exclude influence uncontrollable parameters. Stand oscillates by rotor of the step motor that provides high accuracy of excitation frequency measurement and maintain it constant. The system behavior at static and dynamic loading is monitored by measuring the deformations at the control section using strain gauges and an oscilloscope that records the signal level from the resistive-strain sensors over time. The article deals with principal schemes of oscillator driver and resistive-strain sensor signal amplifier. The oscillator driver principal scheme has module of motor rotation frequency measurement. The installation is equipped with a damping element that limits the oscillations amplitude at modes close to resonance; the damping coefficient is determined during preliminary calibration using the oscillogram of natural damped vibrations. To select an eccentric that provides the required value of imbalance, a numerical calculation was made using the finite element method, revealing the permissible range of imbalances in terms of the strength and rigidity of the installation.

Author Biographies

Mikhail Alexeevich Dudaev, Irkutsk State Transport University

Assistant Professor of the Department of Physics, mechanics and instrumentation

Dar'ya Vladimirovna Nemitovskaya, Irkutsk State Transport University

Department of Building of Railways, Bridges and Tunnels

Alina Eduardovna Veryanskaya, Irkutsk State Transport University

Department of Building of Railways, Bridges and Tunnels


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How to Cite

Дудаев, М. А., Немитовская, Д. В., & Верянская, А. Э. (2022). The bar dynamic behavior simulation by repeatable loading at the laboratory conditions. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(74), 22-32. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering