Analysis of the influence of the hydraulic vibration damper characteristics on the stress-strain state of the passenger car trolley


  • Stepan Sergeevich Prigozhaev Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Anatolii Alexandrovich Pykhalov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Nikolai Olegovich Burmakin Limited Liability Company «Novotek»


hydraulic damper, trolley frame, KVZ-TsNII, passenger wagon, loads


The article deals with the analysis of the operation of the carriage vibration damping system in connection with the promising direction of development of railway transport towards increasing the speed characteristics of railway non-traction rolling stock. The classification is presented of the physical principles of quenching (dissipation) in the extinguishers used. Their main disadvantages are revealed under the operating conditions of Siberia and the Far East region. The design solutions and performance characteristics of hydraulic type vibration dampers are considered in detail. As the main calculation case, the reactions at the support points of hydraulic vibration dampers were analyzed. The «LVZ-TsNII» type extinguisher used on the trolleys of the passenger car «KVZ-TsNII» is considered in order to reduce the level of vibrations in the mechanical system: «Track irregularities – Wheel – Trolley suspension – Trolley –Wagon body suspension – Wagon body». To solve the problem, an analysis was carried out of malfunctions occurrence in the trolleys of a passenger car under the influence of dynamic loads arising during its operation under the conditions of the eastern landfill on the Irkutsk - Ulan-Ude section, characterized by the presence of large slope rises and small turning radii, according to data provided by passenger car depots of the cities of Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude. The stress-strain state of the trolley frame is calculated from the amplitude-maximum load occurring under the operating conditions of the car. Dangerous sections arising in the trolley frame under the influence of vertical loads have been determined. It is shown that the presented load plays one of the leading roles and, thereby, the need to reduce it with a hydraulic damper is determined in order to increase the service life of the mechanical system described above. The external load values were determined in the MathCAD software package. The analysis of the stress-strain state of the KVZ-TsNII trolley frame was performed in the integrated Femap solver unit of the Autodesk Inventor software package.

Author Biographies

Stepan Sergeevich Prigozhaev, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Physics, mechanics and instrumentation

Anatolii Alexandrovich Pykhalov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Physics, mechanics and instrumentation

Nikolai Olegovich Burmakin, Limited Liability Company «Novotek»

Head of sales department


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How to Cite

Пригожаев, С. С., Пыхалов, А. А., & Бурмакин, Н. О. (2022). Analysis of the influence of the hydraulic vibration damper characteristics on the stress-strain state of the passenger car trolley. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(74), 130-141. Retrieved from