Analysis of factors influencing the development of intelligent transport systems in regions of Russian Federation


  • Yuliya Olegovna Poltavskaya Angarsk State Technical University
  • Valerii Erofeevich Gozbenko Angarsk State Technical University


intelligent transport systems, road safety, quality of transport services, multi-criteria assessment, road users, road network, expert review


In connection with the active development of technologies, the relevance of conducting research in the field of intelligent transport systems is noted. The application of intelligent transport systems has an impact on infrastructure, vehicles and benefits road users such as drivers and passengers, helping to reduce travel time and improve travel safety. The purpose of this article is to assess the factors determining the development of intelligent transport systems in the regions of the Russian Federation. In the study, methods of scientific literature analysis, expert survey and multi-criteria assessment were used. The research algorithm is described using the methods of simple additive weighing and complex proportional estimation. The results obtained led to conclusion as to which factors determine the development of intelligent transport systems to a greater extent. These include: financing of regions for the implementation of intelligent transport systems, improving road safety, the development of transport infrastructure. The limitations of the study include the fact that there are no statistical data on some factors, therefore, only 39 subjects of the Russian Federation were included in the analysis and only those factors that can be quantified were selected. Based on the simple additive weighing and complex proportional estimation methods, a comparative analysis of the regions of the Russian Federation was carried out in order to identify potential opportunities for the development of intelligent transport systems. The comparison was carried out taking into account both the assignment of different values of the factor weights determined by expert, and equal values. The results can be used by the ministries of transport and road facilities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of intelligent transport systems.

Author Biographies

Yuliya Olegovna Poltavskaya, Angarsk State Technical University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of automobile transport

Valerii Erofeevich Gozbenko, Angarsk State Technical University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Management of automobile transport


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How to Cite

Полтавская, Ю. О., & Гозбенко, В. Е. (2022). Analysis of factors influencing the development of intelligent transport systems in regions of Russian Federation. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(74), 175-186. Retrieved from

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